Camp Elim/Long Meadow Ranch Land Exchange Closes in the Pike National Forest, Colorado
January 21, 2019
County fully funds federal land transfer work for river parcels
September 21, 2020
October 3, 2018
Western Land Group drafted and successfully lobbied for enactment of H.R. 698, which became Public Law 115-252
The 115th Congress was short on accomplishments, especially in the public lands arena. However, Western Land Group did get one bill passed and is hopeful that during the first few months of the 116th Congress several additional bills will be enacted.
H.R. 698 became Public Law 115-252 on October 3, 2018, and requires the United States to re-patent 148 acres of land to the Elkhorn Ranch near Rifle, Colorado. The land was originally patented as private land to the Elkhorn Ranch’s predecessors in the early 1900s, but the ownership was thrown into doubt by a 1949 government survey. Public law 155-252 confirms the original patents and restores the land into private ownership.”

Elkhorn Ranch